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Design Concept

Initial engagement with service

Swedish freelancers prefer an initial engagement with the service which would include an onboarding guide. It was deemed important to keep the signup process simple and explaining user levels also during onboarding. Before signing up, users should be able to explore the platform through videos or interactive elements.

Upon onboarding, welcome emails should be sent and a complete user profile should be available for the user. Users should uunderstand the platform’s basic functionality without requiring the use of external sources like YouTube or blogs.

Participants are agreeing to strongly agreeing they would stay on the platform if initial engagement with service align with their needs.



Agree/Strongly Agree

Streamlined Onboarding with Clear Guidance

Step-by-Step Onboarding Guide

User quote

"So yeah, so when you're signed into or sign up for your profile, you get some sort of a little window. It doesn't take up your entire screen, it's just a little extra window on your dashboard that shows you the different steps that you have to make before you can publish your first or gig. So it doesn't really like setting up and talk about anything bothering you so much, but it's just a little extra guide to get you up and going."

Simple Sign-Up Process

User quote

"I mean it should be very user friendly since you know when you just meet the age requirement of 13 years old. I like it when it's simple, you know, I didn't have to make a bunch of extra research and it was pretty much just to sign up, you know? And everything was well explained and I knew what I was signing up for."

Introduce User Levels in Onboarding

User quote

"The process should clearly explain the different levels, what is expected of you at each level, and how to achieve them. It should also clearly state what you can and cannot do at each level."

Enable Exploration and Explanation of the Platform

Explain the Platform Using Video

User quote

"I prefer it in video format. Simple in writing, more detailed in video."

Explore the platform interactively before signing up

User quote

"So for me, I like to be able to see the website and see the sort of the platform and what it's about before I register an account and so that is something that I would like to see get an sort of initial feel for the platform."

Comprehensive Onboarding

Guide Users Through Onboarding Material

User quote

"Optional guides and tutorials. I personally prefer reading guides to being forced to click through a tutorial in a preprogrammed way. Either way, keep information easily accessible but not mandatory, and if it is intrusive allow it to be dismissed."

Send Welcome Emails

User quote

"A series of welcome emails with details on how to use the service."

Platform Prepares Gig Packages

User quote

"Maybe the platform itself already have a lot of data on me, so they could be able to propose a package for me like we know you're into. Did some marketing here.
If you services that we think you could choose and you know not just start from scratch, but you actually have like a base to start off from and start."

Sign-up should generate a complete user profile

User quote

"And I would not like it to be, hey, uh, that it takes one second to just sign up, and then you have to make your own profile and you have to, uh, find yourself around."

Avoid External Dependencies: Streamlined and Self-Sufficient User Experience

Eliminate the need for external resources

User quote

"I believe people might need some time to understand the functions associated with different levels. You shouldn't have to dig deep into Google or YouTube, nor should you have to search extensively for answers on Fiverrs own platform. Especially since understanding the levels is such an essential part of your profile,"

Avoid unnecessary complexity

User quote

"And the worst case scenario, and like how would you not like it to be? It's like buttons all over the place. You don't know anything. You don't know what to click on and then also a bunch of random arrows. Click here, click here."

Do not require account registration for initial exploration

User quote

"And so what I wouldn't want is to have to register an account before I can see the platform."