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Design Concept

Feedback and iterative improvement

Swedish freelancers prefer simple and intuitive methods for providing feedback on platform improvements, ideally directly within the relevant section of the platform. They favour using stars, emojis, or simple text for this.

Freelancers also expressed a desire to actually know how their feedback is being handled and suggested allowing users to see and vote on top features. Alternatives for submitting feedback include using chat or email, rather than relying on phone calls or lengthy forms. Intrusive pop-ups and extensive forms should be avoided.

Participants are neutral to agreeing if they would stay on the platform if feedback and iterative improvement align with their needs.




Simplify user input with intuitive feedback forms

Provide Feedback Effortlessly with rating symbols

User quote

"Giving feedback should be easier and more reassuring, but how? I mean. Yes, stars are always nice along with comments. Right on the platform."

Employ easy-to-use feedback forms

User quote

"Either very short forms or contact with someone who will listen to me specifically."

Interactive User Feedback

Embed direct feedback options on the platform

User quote

"If there were a button there that said, give feedback on the analytics system and then right in every in every. What should I say in every part of the Fiverr website when you go into the orders tab? If you could go give feedback there and go into the review tab and you could give feedback there that I much prefer that"

Allow users to vote on top features

User quote

"And so something like that where you had like top 10 most suggested features and then every week you'd have all the users go in there or at least give them their the option to go in there and leave their leave their thoughts on which one they like implemented."

Multi-Channel Feedback

Enable online chat for providing feedback

User quote

"just having like an online chat, be able to pop it into a quick chat and you know be a met by a real person."

Offer feedback via email

User quote

"Then you know you just emailing them would also be a good method I think.
And I think, yeah, like tickets and mails is probably the best ways."

Avoid asking too frequently or extensively

Avoid lengthy forms with multiple fields

User quote

"I really don't like the method of having like a form where you have to fill in like 25 different fields. I think that is just two time consuming for me."

Avoid the use of pop-ups

User quote

"Basically anything except the pop up that opens up when I open the website because I always click them away instantly."

Do not limit feedback to email or phone

Do not limit feedback to email or phone

User quote

"It was only that I had left feedback and it may not be very convenient to have to contact the support through email to do that. It takes a lot for someone to give that type of feedback"

Avoid keeping users uninformed about feedback outcomes

Avoid keeping users uninformed about feedback outcomes

User quote

"Send a message to support saying I'd like this feature and then OK your feedback has been taken into consideration.
Like, that's the you're you're just lost in the dark there. And I would not send more than one of those messages."