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Design Concept

Gamification and engagement mechanics

For gamification and engagement mechanics to be preferred by Swedish freelancers, it is recommended to use achievement-based user levels with clear instructions on how to advance between them.

The use of professional terminology is seen as a necessity to prevent the platform from feeling childish. Public rankings and the ability to earn points were seen as wanted features. Educational content was also considered an engagement mechanic, where users could both create and sell courses, as well as earn badges upon completion.

It was deemed important not to collect data derived from the gamification features. Features that penalise users, such as lowering a users lever if they are slow on responding to messages was not wanted.

Participants are neutral to agreeing if they would stay on the platform if gamification and engagement mechanics align with their needs.




Implement Structured and Professional User Level System

Achievement-based User Levels

User quote

"I think honestly in terms of gamification on on the platforms are overall, I think Fiverr has the best approach where you have different level levels or tiers based on different requirements."

Utilise professional terminology for user levels

User quote

"I think the levelling system they have right now, I think that works pretty great.
I think if you have that you don't really need badges, that sort of stuff. It just feels more professional when it says new level one Level 2 instead of like rookie professional pro. This sort of stuff. It feels a bit childish."

Allow buyers to filter by user levels

User quote

"But if there are places for top rated for level one, level 2 or more like that, then I had the chance to be on first page, may not be as tolerated, but I may be on the first page as is level 2 seller as a fiver choice seller or holding a basket like that so it would be really really good."

Clear guidelines on level advancement

User quote

"So that's my main focus and just getting that clarity on, OK, this is what I need to to improve and get more clients get more inbound and is really necessary to for use basically for the solar tree like OK, it gives them some sort of hope, right?
Because a lot of people in the beginning where when they start off.

User-Driven Educational Achievements

Allow users to create and distribute educational material

User quote

"Additionally, engaging both buyers and sellers with educational material could be seen as beneficial. I'm completely convinced that we would participate in something like that. Yes, in that regard as well."

Award badges upon completion of educational material

User quote

" ​​I don't have any suggestions for gamification feature, but I already have used most of their features, so both the levelling system and also the different badges you can earn through courses. It's just, it's not really that I enjoyed going through the courses, but it's more just to have a badge on my profile to show that I'm sort of more professional or more."

Gamified Performance and Activity Tracking

Include user performance in public rankings

User quote

"I think if you would do like a give me way where you could see, maybe you can even visualize some sort of dashboard where you have like the top people in your location, maybe even or in your industry."

Accumulate points for platform activity

User quote

"So for gamification, I think maybe you could have like a you get points for being active on the platform and so I think that goes back through retention thing."

Do not require users to pay to verify basic skills

Do not require users to pay to verify basic skills

User quote

"The only thing you can get beyond badges is like verified training and it's not so much fun to maybe go and buy a training in English on Fiverr for 50 dollars just to get a badge or just to get on your profile to verify English-speaking, like it's obvious for us"

Avoid Forcible User Engagement and Data Collection

Avoid prompting users to invite their friends

User quote

"I hope they don't implement a gamification feature that promotes or that is inviting you to invite friends to the platform. Because I've always been, I've always been sort of against functions like that. That's like sort of force you to invite friends or sell something, even though you may not. You may not want to or buy something in that case either."

Avoid using gamification to gather data on users

User quote

"I would not like that Fiverr just starts to ask for like, something that would just be in terms of the gathering data. So whatever will be it beneficial for them in just gathering more data, I think that would be a little bit more crooked. I wouldn't like that."

Avoid unfair treatment of users

Avoid strict enforcement of response time metrics

User quote

"I do not want to penalizing users for minor aspects, like respond rate."

Avoid penalizing users without verifying order cancellation reasons

User quote

"I agree because it would be easier for me because I will get more opportunities to fight because I would not be so much demotivated once I once I an order is cancelled, I am simply pushed back to the last page or pushed back to the 10 page which means it is a death sentence."