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Design Concept

Personalisation & Customisation

The findings show that Swedish freelancers prefer to personalise their profiles and control the information presented. The setup process for profiles should not have too many required fields and personal details should not be shared without explicit consent from the user.

To enhance user retention, the platform should avoid penalising users for updating their profiles, such as changing their username. Personalisation should be optional and not forced upon users if they opt out. The platform should also require verification for users who want to share widely known brands they previously worked for.

For gig management, Swedish users want the ability to customise workflows rather than being restricted to a predetermined one. They also desire the option for clients, after handover of projects, to be able to write custom reviews for that specific gig. In the terms of matchmaking, freelancers prefer the platform to handle automatic tailoring between clients and sellers. Similarly freelancers prefer that the platform handles payments between sellers and clients.

Participants agree they would stay on the platform if personalization and customization align with their needs.




Facilitate Profile Customization and Ownership

Enable users to personalize their profiles

User quote

"I really think the more personal and better you can make it, the better it would be. I believe everything should be as flexible as possible when it comes to the profile."

Own your profile presentation

User quote

"When you send your video to a client, the client can approve and add it to your portfolio. I want to control whether it goes up on my profile."

Implement Enhanced Personalization and Customization in Gig Management

Customizable gig workflows

User quote

"It would be beneficial to have the option to include more free text. For instance, when discussing workflows, there's a step that's supposed to explain our process. But often, the way work is defined is predetermined, which might not fit all since, even though they cover a wide range of industries, it doesn't mean that all players within the same industry operate in the same way."

Allow customised reviews for gigs

User quote

"Because you only get to give a rating to one or three different categories if I'm not mistaken. So delivery time, communication and overall performance.
But I would like to see some more specific categories in that system actually just to get some more insights on the one who you're going to be working with."

Tailor automated matchmaking to gig niches

User quote

"I think the platforms could be even more targeted towards my niche area of services, so the matching process could be more, more personalized and more targeted towards the right kind of clients and the right type of the sellers."

Avoid Restrictive Profile Management Practices

Do not penalise users for updating their profiles.

User quote

"Yes, Fiverrs algorithm is very straight. For example, if I change my username then it would be difficult for me to be on the ranking because finally Fiverr will then push back, push me back to the lower ranking."

Do not require too many predetermined fields.

User quote

"When I personalize my profile, I feel that there are too many predefined elements at certain steps of the process."

Do not push client videos onto user profiles

User quote

"Choose if I want to use that because maybe I wasn't very proud of just that video. Their material wasn't very good, so that will affect me just just because of their experience and how they feeling the video."

Do not share users' personal details without consent

User quote

"ike it's a hard one, but to remain anonymous and not have my actual name presented on the platform and of course for tax purposes, I understand that the platform needs my personal information, but I would prefer that it would not be official or visible for other people to see, and it's very sensitive."

Avoid Practices That Undermine User Control and Trust

Do not leave payments to clients; let the platform handle them

User quote

"So you can withdraw it to your bank bank account and if if let's say they accepted PayPal, they accepted bank transfer and they accepted Swish in Sweden, I think it would be much harder for like when a client comes to you and say I wanna pay for the video, you would have all this negotiation because between the client and the seller when talking about how to pay I think it works very great right now even though the Commission is 20% and but that's how Fiverr make makes their money, right?"

Avoid personalization if users opt out

User quote

" I do not want to be able to personalize how the entire platform, we'll sort of works."

Do not allow showcasing major brands without verification

User quote

" If I claim to have worked with big names like IKEA and McDonald's, it looks impressive, but if I can't back it up, then it's misleading. Then someone who has genuinely completed significant projects and earned the right to boast about them is at a disadvantage. It lowers the overall credibility of the platform, turning it into a less serious space. "