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Design Concept

Usability and UX

In the usability and UX theme, Swedish freelancers had more varied responses compared to other themes. Despite different ideas and viewpoints, there was a preference for streamlined communication and scheduling, and therefore minimising messages between clients and sellers before a project starts.

User engagement and satisfaction included practises that can be applied to other themes, such as user onboarding, performance insights, and offering incentives. Generally, freelance platforms should maintain a clean interface and avoid scams as much as possible without hiding features behind subscriptions.

Participants are neutral to agreeing if they would stay on the platform if usability and UX align with their needs.




Streamlining Communication and Scheduling

Integrate a Calendar Feature for Scheduling Meetings

User quote

"The feature, especially the one with calendars, has been truly exceptional. It’s a game changer, really."

Automate the Client-Seller Contact Process

User quote

"Additionally, not having to be constantly online and handle things manually is a crucial factor. For example, we can attract clients from the USA, but if we're asleep while they're actively searching, we might miss out on potential opportunities. Ultimately, having tools that make it easier to maintain operations without constant manual intervention is essential, especially on platforms like this."

Enable Automated Quick Responses for Seller-Buyer Interactions

User quote

"I prefer to have. They did add, I think it's been a while, quick responses. Which actually I think I even sent in a user request for something similar. Uh, I don't know if it's was my request which sparked it, but they added it, it's a few months later if I'm not mistaking, so I don't really have any."

Provide flexibility in payout schedueling

Provide flexibility in payout schedueling

User quote

"Or or maybe, maybe if you could get them at the end of the month. So even if you complete an order at the 29th of March, let's say, and then withdraw, that is the 30th of March. More steady income and yeah, you always know when you get the income like a normal job."

Enhancing User Engagement and Satisfaction

Allow Users to Customize Gig Packages

User quote

"And it also doesn't allow for each gig on Fiverr if you want you to make like a package deal and generalize your pricing on one type of service. And this to me is not a good user experience for me as a seller, as my services I can't put a general pricing on them and I can't package them all because it all depends on the client and what they're asking. So I would like the whole feature to be dissolved actually and for me to promote my services in a whole different way."

Offer incentives to encourage client purchases

User quote

"And so in that sense, I think user experience needs to be a sort of formatted in a way that they would like to purchase something sort of give them some some incentives,"

Design onboarding to educate users

User quote

"So maybe the onboarding is one example of where I would prefer the user experience be more adapted to like a smartphone devices so that the mobile applications are more advanced and would also prefer that the initial thing you see when you open the application is maybe how many have seen my profile? How many potential buyers have been interested in what I offer instead of me just seeing my profile."

Provide Users with Performance Insights

User quote

"So like and I would, I would like it to be an instant gratification of knowing that the platform is actually pushing my work out there. I would like to see the statistics of how many have seen my gigs, for example, or whatever form of like this platform is using and or and also like easy access to my inbox or my new like opportunities to have back."

Promoting Flexible Communication Practices

Avoid strict enforcement of response time metrics

User quote

"Since now it affects our profile negatively too if we don't respond within an hour. It’s not hard to maintain as long as one is active and connected to the phone. It works. But it means that you can not just be working 8 to 5 hours, since you always need to be able to answer people that might write to you from another time zone."

Avoid enforcing automated messages

User quote

"I think the automated answers, I don't think that honestly is a really good way of handling customers, because that's someone that's interested in what you have to sell. And if you are an interested customer, the last thing you want to is to have an automated answer"

Ensuring Fairness and Security

Avoid Penalizing Users for a Single Negative Rating

User quote

"So I don't have any option even if I am getting a lot of low ranking or my my orders are cancelled. So it should not be a death sentence on me. That's still there. So better customers should find us in a different way. So this user experience would be really great."

Avoid allowing scams on the Platform

User quote

"Something in the system that gets rid of all the scams. I do not want getting bogged down by unnecessary distractions or confusion"

Avoid Restricting features behind Subscriptions

User quote

"Uh, there's a lot of things that I would like that they have added, but they have restricted it to only their Fiverr Pro users. So previous buyer data, I would love to see that like how much do you usually tip? How how much do you usually… How much have ordered before, like that's I think it's kind of important data to see"

Do not clutter the user interface

User quote

"And so how it should not be decided it should not be 25 pop-ups coming on coming directly to you at the website. I think that's just too much, yeah."