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Design Concept

User support and assistance

Swedish freelancers prefer user support and assistance through an easily accessible live chat on the platform, with seeing it as importance that they can interact with a real person.

They preferred that support should not be limited to only email or phone and should it should in general have a straightforward contact process. A dedicated resolution center to assist was suggested, but not to only relying on an FAQ section.

Participants are agreeing to strongly agreeing if they would stay on the platform if user support and assistance align with their needs.



Agree/Strongly Agree

Implement User Support with Accessible Live Chat

Provide Live Chat Support

User quote

"Usually some sort of live chat function. Because that's it feels more direct. It just feels more direct and it's just a push to get that answer."

Chat with a Real Person

User quote

"And then also for more in depth problems you could also contact a human being."

Easy Access to Support

User quote

"Easy access so it is not hard to find if you need help."

Resolution Center for Help with Dedicated Support

Dedicated Platform Support Person

User quote

"You get a dedicated, what’s it called? A person, a person with whom you can bounce ideas around, you know. But the thing is, they are never from the same industry, so it often turns out to be fruitless. I’ve had such a meeting or two but I do like the idea of it being good for that kind of support but just for regular traditional support I think chat should be based on level, being prioritised."

Establish a Resolution Center

User quote

" I think it's called the Resolution Center or something like that when in every order page you have a button that you can basically contact the support with and that works really great."

Avoid Limited and Complicated Support Options

Do Not Limit Support to Emails or Phone Calls

User quote

"I would not want it to be like an email you sent separated somewhere in their website."

"not via phone."

Avoid Complicating Contacting Support

User quote

"I do not want something to be too hard and complicated."

Do Not Rely Solely on an FAQ

User quote

"Yeah, I do not want it to be through an FAQ because you most of the time it won't answer the questions that I have."